Ricardo de los Santos califica de “error” situación entre camioneros y medida del Intrant

Ricardo de los Santos describes the situation between truckers and the Intrant measure as an “error”

The president of the National Federation of Dominican Transport (Fenatrado), Richard of the Saintsclarified today the situation that arose last Tuesday between truckers and agents of the General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transport (Digesett) after the entry into force of the measure National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (Intrant) that limits the access of cargo trucks in it National District.

That measure has been implemented for more than a year, but now, last Tuesday it happened that by mistake, we are going to to call him Soa type of truck was being inspected that is not in the agreement, which is precisely the bolo or cabezote truckI mean the truck that does not have a trailer behind it does not have to be inspected because it has free access to any area without have to use that special permission“, said.

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By participating in the radio program morning coursealso a senator for the Sánchez Ramírez province, initially pointed out that for more than a year truckers have been using a special permit to enter the National District area.

“We have been using special permits for more than a year and some restricted areas for cargo transport vehicles in the capital were targeted precisely in order to make mobility viable and the transit in the capital”, he indicated of the Saints.

On the other hand, he added that both the union sector of the truckers and the business community are aware that everything increase in loads it ends up in the final consumer, which is why they try to handle themselves with the highest level of “conscience possible”.

Intranet measure

The National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (Intrant) provided, prior notice, that from now on, vehicles with three axles or more, heavy-duty vehicles, must respect the restricted access zone (Zone ZAR) established by the authorities.

Said area is limited to the East by the Ozama River; to the west by Gregorio Luperón avenue and/or Duarte highway; to the South by George Washington Avenue (Malecón) and to the North by Republic of Colombia and Reyes Católicos avenues. All the areas that are surrounded by these roads are restricted for those who do not have the permits granted by the Intrant.

Read more: Intrant warns: Penalty for vehicles on restricted roads

In the case of Ciudad Colonial, Gascue and Ciudad Nueva these are fully restricted. While to travel through Correa y Cidrón and George Washington avenues, trucks with three axles or more may circulate only from eight at night to 6 in the morning, but those who have permission may only travel from 9 in the morning to 4 pm. The 30 de Mayo highway and the Republic of Colombia avenue have these same restrictions.

Likewise, John F. Kennedy, Padre Castellanos, Yolanda Guzmán and Josefa Brea streets serve as routes to the Port of Santo Domingo and connection to the recommended routes to access the buffer zones and access to the ring road, mainly made up of Luperón avenue, the Duarte highway, Isabel Aguiar avenue, España avenue and Sabana Larga. In addition, Pedro Livio Cedeño and Máximo Gómez avenues will serve as alternate routes for the Ensanche La Fe Industrial Zone.

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