Rey Naso maintains firmness in his position and requests respect for the Region

In an official statement, the Naso King, Ardinteo Santana, and the President of the Naso Tjër Di Council, Ignasio Bonilla, have addressed recent speculation about the alleged removal of the monarch, which has circulated in digital media. In this statement, it is stated that any dismissal attempt has not followed the established internal regulatory procedure and has been carried out under measures of coercion and social unrest, which invalidates said attempts.

It is highlighted that both the dismissal and the elections within the Naso Region must follow a process determined by internal regulations, agreed upon by the Council. Furthermore, it is highlighted that the Carbon Capture Project is currently in the consultation phase and that no final contract has been signed in this regard.

The statement emphasizes that the actions of the protesters who have tried to remove the King and the President of the Council are illegal and motivated by political and private interests. It is stated that these actions do not represent the majority will of the Naso people and constitute a threat to social peace, stability and traditional governance of the community.

King Ardinteo Santana and the President of the Naso Council, Ignacio Bonilla, reiterate their commitment to traditional governance for the benefit of the Naso people, as well as their willingness to engage in dialogue to resolve disagreements in a peaceful and respectful manner, in accordance with moral values ​​and spirituality of the community.

On the other hand, the National Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP) firmly supports King Naso Ardinteo Santana and the President of the Council Ignacio Bonilla, condemning any action that endangers the security and stability of the Naso Comarca. COONAPIP calls for dialogue between all parties involved and highlights the importance of finding a consensual solution to resolve differences, thus guaranteeing the continued strengthening and advancement of the Naso Tjër Di Region.

The COONAPIP recognizes the legitimacy of the traditional authorities elected in accordance with the statutes and internal regulations of each indigenous community, reaffirming that the authority of King Ardinteo Santana and the President of the Naso Council, Ignacio Bonilla, remains in force for the Naso people.

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