From today
(25), access to the Virtual Service Center the Federal Revenue Service (e-CAC) will have the security level increased. who uses the Login single of Portal You will only be able to access the e-CAC with Silver or Gold level accounts, which have more protection features.
In a note, the Federal Revenue explained that the change is part of a process to improve access to the agency’s digital services. According to the Tax Authorities, the increase in security will allow e-CAC services currently accessible only with a digital certificate (type of electronic signature sold to individuals and companies) to be provided to more users.
In addition to the account, individuals who file Income Tax and companies opting for Simples Nacional can access the e-CAC using the access code, a kind of electronic key that is renewable every two years. Other companies can access the e-CAC through the digital certificate, if they do not want to use the login.
security levels
Secure identification to access digital public services, the account is available to all Brazilian citizens. O Login has three security levels: bronze, for less sensitive services; silver, which allows access to many digital services; and gold, which allows access to all digital services.
Accounts registered exclusively with information from the Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) or the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) are considered bronze level. The registration made in person at the INSS units or the National Traffic Department (Denatran) also has this level.
Silver level accounts are validated by one of these three sources: driver’s license facial biometrics, Sigepe registration (in the case of public servants) or bank details from one of the seven banks associated with Portal (Banco do Brasil, Banrisul, Bradesco , BRB, Caixa Econômica Federal, Santander and Sicoob).
Finally, accounts validated with facial biometrics from the Electoral Justice or by a digital certificate compatible with ICP-Brasil are to have
gold level of security.
Taxpayers with Bronze Level Accounts can raise the security level of the Loginwhen performing validations that confer higher levels. Click here for more information about the procedure.