President Alberto Fernández announced that the first increase in retirement, pensions and allowances of the year it will be 12.28% and will reach more than 16 million Argentines.
The novelty was known after a meeting that the head of state held this afternoon in his office at the Casa Rosada with the head of Anses, Fernanda Raverta.
Through his Twitter account, the head of state assured that “all retirees will start the year beating inflation”specifying that the increase “exceeds by 2.4 percentage points that which would have been granted in the same period with the formula of the previous administration.”
We announce the first increase in retirement mobility in 2022. It is 12.28% in retirement, pensions and allowances and reaches more than 16 million Argentines.
All retirees and retirees will start the year beating inflation.
– Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) February 10, 2022
In addition, the increases granted during the year 2021 (52.7%) were located above the inflation of the year (50.9%), “which allowed to begin a process of recomposition of what was lost due to assets during 2018 and 2019 “, informed the Presidency.
From Government House it was pointed out that, since the new formula was applied, 15 months ago, retirement assets and allowances received increases that, accumulated, sThey find 8.1 percentage points above what the previous formula would have granted.
As officially explained, the minimum amount for retirees will be located in $32,630.40which represents 132% more compared to December 2019.
Meanwhile, the Child and Pregnancy Allowance will go from the current $5,677 to $6,375 as of March.
Including this increase, in the period from the inauguration of the Government of the Front of All until now, the allowances for Child and Pregnancy went from $2,746 to $6,375, while the highest retirement bracket went from $103,064.23 two years ago to $219,571.69.
According to the survey carried out by the Argentine Economy Center, with the new formula the increase was 52.67% in 2021 and 12.28% in March 2022while if the formula voted at the end of 2017 had been maintained, assets would have added 49.6% in 2021 and 9.9% in March 2022.
The increase that will take effect from next March corresponds to the first quarterly update of the year established by the Retirement Mobility Index (Law No. 27,609).
In accordance with the regulations, the increase is determined by a mobility formula that combines the variation in wages according to the Taxable Remuneration of Stable Workers prepared by Social Security (Ripte) and the Indec Salary Index, taking the highest of both. and pension collection.
The minimum amount for retirees will be $32,630.40, which represents 132% more than in December 2019
This improvement also includes family allowances, Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and Pregnancy, which, in this case, has an impact on what almost 9 million children and adolescents receive (4.4 million AUH and 4.3 million AAFF).
The Presidency and Anses stressed that, In addition to the increases accumulated during these years, other measures were taken that expanded social security coverage.
Among them, the recognition -as of last August- of years of contributions for care tasks that have been carried out in the past, through which more than 150 thousand mothers have already begun their retirement, stood out.
In October 2021, the early retirement policy was implemented, which guarantees pension coverage to people who have reached 30 years of contributions and who are unemployed but are not yet old enough to retire.
Also as of the same month last year, the payment of the monthly supplement for the family salary was announced, increasing this coverage to 2 million workers and a total of 3.1 million children and adolescents.