The result of the first call of the University Program for All (Prouni) will be released this Wednesday (2). Prouni offers full or partial scholarships (50%) in private colleges to low-income students.
To have access to the full scholarship, the student must prove gross monthly family income of up to 1.5 minimum wage per person. For the partial scholarship, the gross monthly family income must be up to three minimum wages per person. It is also necessary that the interested party has completed high school in a public or private school with a full or partial scholarship.
This year, the novelty is that a decree, signed last week by President Jair Bolsonaro, establishes that the pre-selection of students enrolled in Prouni consider the last two editions of the National High School Exam (Enem) for admission to undergraduate courses. or sequential specific training. In Enem, the candidate must have achieved at least 450 points of average grade and cannot have scored 0 in the essay.
Until then, the rule in force was that only the grade of the last edition of Enem, the one immediately prior to the selection process of Prouni, could be used by candidates to enter the program.
ProUni 2/2022
The edition of Prouni for the second half of this year may expand the access of students from private schools who do not have a scholarship to the program. The possibility is provided for in Provisional Measure (MP) 1075/2021, edited by President Jair Bolsonaro in December. To get off the ground, however, the rule needs to be converted into law by Congress by March 17, when it will lose effect. The text moves through the House on an urgent basis and, if approved, goes to the Senate.
Proof of information: March 3rd to 14th
Second call: March 21
Proof of information: March 21 to 29
Waiting list: April 4th and 5th
Result: April 7
Proof of information: April 8th to 13th