The past president of the Dominican Society of Pneumology and Torax Surgery, Plutarco Ariassaid that in recent days he has witnessed a increase In your consultation of the amount of patients affected by virus Respiratory typical of the time.
“At the moment, the consultations of Pneumology and the Pneumology pediatric have been well loaded because the number of virus increased considerably, ”he said in conversation with Free newspaper.
Only of affected by influenzathe doctor claimed to be seeing “five or six patients daily ”in his private practice. In less quantity, he has seen two or three patients with COVID-19.
“20 % of my patients He is suffering from influenza”He said.
In addition to influenza and Covid, the presence of rinovirus, respiratory syncitial virus and metapneumovirus.
Up to 21 % of patients is presenting exacerbation of asthma by Rinovirussince this virus It is the number one accelerator of the asthmaand 9 % appear with development of pneumoniaespecially after having suffered processes of bronchitis Chronicle or acute, complicated by the presence of bacteria.
This last data, extracted from the internal platform that the Dominican Society of Pneumology and Thorax Surgery manages, reveals the proliferation of virus Respiratory in the environment, common in the coldest months of the year.
Arias stressed the importance of vaccinate every year against influenza to stay protected, before the season starts and not wait for the virus It disseminates in the environment to seek immunity.
“People do not vaccinate in the country, they have forgotten vaccinateafter the virus Del Covid, people have yet reduced the number of vaccinations. It is a vaccine that is put once a year, ”he said.
He said that a month ago, the vaccines free for influenza available in the Directorate of Immunoprevenable by vaccines (Div) had not been reached “not even 50 % of the use of that vaccine.”
“The bronchitis It occurs both by influenzaby rhinonavirus and for respiratory sinusitis. So, the number of patients It is very high. This is a fairly fresh era, those with weakness in the immune system, which lowers the mechanisms of the organism’s defense, lead them to suffer from diseases of this type, ”he added.
The doctor, who was also a Minister of Public Health, indicated that, of all virus Current, the Metapneumovirus It has the slightest incidence.
“It will not produce any type of damage as the Covid. We must always be prepared yes. I insist, when you are coughing, fever, stay at home, do not travel, use the mask, ”he said.
“The Covid is under, certainly. I would say that it is in a fourth place among all virusbut the virus of influenza He is giving us quite hard, ”he admitted.
From the holiday for the day of the Virgen de la Altagracia, Arias said he had seen about 96 patients“I’m talking to you that the number is high,” he reiterated.
The pneumologist called to wash their hands, vaccinate vulnerable groups (infants, older adults and people with immunodebilitating diseases), to use a mask and cover their mouths with a handkerchief when coughing or sneezing.
Pocket expenses
Dr. Arias emphasized that “the pocket expense of a viral process is very high.”
Given the possibility of reaching a pneumoniathe patient could be referred to an intensive care unit (UCI), “Where expenses are triggered.”
The Ministry of Public Health reported that Adenovirus, Parainfluenza and Coronavirus are the viral groups that have been detected in the country in the first weeks of this year 2025.
The entity ensures that “the number of flu cases are within the expected for the season.”
The epidemiological bulletin corresponding to week number three indicates that, after the performance of 242 tests, eight positive cases to COVID-19 were diagnosed.
Through a press release, Public Health called the population to maintain the necessary care to prevent flu infections.
“It is necessary to maintain frequent hand washing, wear a mask in case of flu symptoms and go to busy places, do not self -medicate and go to health centers to receive medical care if you have fever, discomfort, headache,” headache ” , requires the document.
It emphasizes that, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in the countries of the region of the Americas until the epidemiological week 01 of 2025, influenza type diseases (ETI) and acute respiratory infections (IRAG) have shown a marked increase marked In North America, the Caribbean, and some countries of the Andean subregion and the southern cone associated with the circulation of respiratory syncitial viruses and influenza.