Caixa Econômica Federal announced today (7) the availability of withdrawals from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) due to a calamity for workers residing in Porto Seguro and Wenceslau Guimarães, in Bahia. The measure is a way of enabling these people to face the difficulties brought about by the heavy rains that fell in the state ( damage-in-municipalities-of-bahia) in the last two months.
It is not necessary to go to a bank branch to request the withdrawal. The operation can be done through the FGTS application via cell phone. When registering the request, it is possible to indicate a Caixa account, including Poupança Digital Caixa Tem, or another financial institution to receive the amounts. The app is available on Android and iOS platforms.
Residents of the affected areas in Porto Seguro, according to addresses identified by the Municipal Civil Defense, can request the withdrawal until March 14. The workers of Wenceslau Guimarães have until March 28 to carry out the operation. It is necessary to have a positive balance in the FGTS account and not have withdrawn for the same reason in a period of less than 12 months. The maximum amount for withdrawal is R$ 6,220.00.
As informed by Caixa, another 35 municipalities in Bahia and Minas Gerais – a state that faces the same problem – have already been enabled for this type of withdrawal. In Minas, residents in the municipalities of Águas Formosas, Almenara, Dores do Indaiá, Igarapé, Machacalis, Mário Campos, Mateus Leme, Poço Fundo, Rio Manso, Sabará and São Joaquim de Bicas have the possibility of an extra withdrawal.
In Bahia, residents of Canavieiras, Coaraci, Eunápolis, Floresta Azul, Gandu, Ibicaraí, Ibicuí, Ilhéus, Itabela, Itabuna, Itajuípe, Itamaraju, Itapé, Itapetinga, Itororó, Jaguaquara, Jequié, Jiquiriçá, Medeiros Neto, Mundo Novo, Prado , Porto Seguro, Teixeira de Freitas, Ubaitaba, Vitória da Conquista and Wenceslau Guimarães can withdraw the FGTS due to a calamity.
Step by step on how to request the FGTS withdrawal due to calamity through the application:
» Download the FGTS app and enter the registration information; Go to the option “My withdrawals” and select “Other withdrawal situations — Public calamity” — access the city; |
» Forward the following documents: photo of identity document, proof of residence in the name of the worker, issued up to 120 days before the declaration of calamity; |
» In place of an identity card, driver’s license and passport are also accepted. The proof of residence (electricity, water bill or other document received by mail, issued up to 120 days before the declaration of calamity) must be in the worker’s name. It is necessary to attach a Marriage Certificate or Public Deed of Stable Union, if the proof of residence is in the name of a spouse or partner. |
» Select the option to credit the amount to a Caixa account, including Poupança Digital Caixa Tem, or another bank and send the request; |
» The deadline for returning the analysis and crediting the account, if the withdrawal is approved, is five working days. |