Santo Domingo.- The renowned neurologist José Silié Ruiz died this Sunday, after several days admitted to the Center for Diagnosis and Advanced Medicine and Telemedicine (Cedimat).
The funeral ceremonies for Silié Ruiz’s farewell have not yet been reported.
The prominent doctor, before being treated at Cedimat, had been hospitalized for suffering from Covid 19 at the Corazones Unidos clinic. Silié Ruiz had also been battling cancer for a long time.
Silié Ruiz was a graduate of the London Institute of Neurology, where he achieved the rank of Fellow Researcher. He was awarded the 2019 National Medicine Award, by the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic.
In addition, he was “Master of Dominican Medicine”, recognition granted by the Dominican Medical College, and “Deserving Professor” by the Inter-American University.
He served as a member of the Royal Health Society of England. He chaired the Health Commission of the Academy of Sciences, the Epilepsy Club and was a National Delegate of the World Society of Parkinson’s and Abnormal Movements. He also served as an advisor to the Dominican Alzheimer’s Association.
You can read: José Silié Ruíz receives the 2019 medicine award
With more than 30 years of service, he was president of the Dominican Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and a doctor at the Padre Billini hospital.
He remained active writing his Saturday column in the newspaper Hoy and working in his offices at the Otorhinolaryngology Center and at the Corazones Unidos Clinic.