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Remove publications against Delfina Gómez, orders Edomex court

Fabiola Martinez

Newspaper La Jornada
Sunday, October 30, 2022, p. 8

The Electoral Court of the State of Mexico (TEEM) ordered the withdrawal of publications against the former Secretary of Public Education, Delfina Gómez, for being elements of political violence based on gender.

The complaint by legislators from Morena was filed on September 1st with the National Electoral Institute, which forwarded the file to state authorities. The party challenged, but the superior chamber of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation endorsed the INE’s criteria, for which the matter was sent to the local sphere.

In accordance with Morena’s complaint, various opposition politicians, including PAN leader Marko Cortés, as well as journalists, referred to the former official – today a virtual Morena candidate for the Mexican governorship – as election offender and in other publications they pointed out her as a person with a political career promoted by President López Obrador, to place her in the race for the governorship of the state of Mexico, to be renewed next year.

During the week that concludes, the TEEM resolved Morena’s appeal against the criteria of the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico (IEEM), which denied granting precautionary measures in the face of this complaint of political violence.

Therefore, the TEEM ordered the executive secretary of the IEEM to issue new precautionary measures for the withdrawal of publications and that the accused refrain from publishing or issuing identical or similar pronouncements.

The foregoing because said content could cause damage to Delfina Gómez, since they would have the purpose of offending, insulting, disqualifying and estimating an affectation to her sphere of political-electoral rights.

Last Wednesday, the TEEM notified the resolution to the complainants, a group of federal deputies from Morena and citizens, represented by deputy Andrea Chávez. The rapporteur magistrate was Leticia Victoria Tavira.

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