The Ministry of Education (Minedu) ordered the reinforcement of primary and secondary schoolchildren at the national level, but according to the director of the UGEL Condesuyos, Narciso Ramírez, this strategy It wasn’t much use because the provision did not come with budget.
He argued that the Minedu sent virtually workbooks for the areas of mathematics and communication, but there were no resources to print. “The UGELs do not have money to print such an amount, the teachers do not have either, because in each classroom there are more than 20 students”said.
Faced with this gap, from his perception, the work of reinforcement did not work as expected and schoolchildren still have a learning gap.
Some teachers do virtual reinforcementOthers required parents to print the text, but not all did.
The Minedu only trained teachers to execute the reinforcement and make use of digital notebooks. This work will last until the end of the year and most teachers do it during class time, because there was no budget to hire.
The UGEL monitors the fulfillment of the work of reinforcement, according to the diagnosis of learning deficiencies.
- After 2 years of pandemic and face-to-face work, schoolchildren did not have adequate training with the virtual system.