A second report from Comptroller confirmed that the Sanctuary Lodge hotel benefited from the omission of some payments. The IGV and other amounts that corresponded to the company linked to the former candidate Rafael López Aliaga were paid with money from the Regional Government (Gore) Cuzco.
The Sanctuary Lodge is the only hotel located at the entrance gate of the Inca city. It was concessioned in 1995 and in 2015 the contract was extended by a questionable addendum.
The specific control report No. 016-2022determined that 14 officials collected amounts less than what was stipulated in the concession contract. He identified a loss to the entity of around US$80,000 for which he recommended civil complaints and administrative proceedings against the workers.
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According to the report, the irregularities were committed from January 2014 to December 31 of last year. According to the contract, Gore had to make a readjustment with the Consumer Price Index (IPC), in addition to the fixed remuneration. The omission represents a loss of US$67,637.36 for Cusco. Likewise, the officials did not collect the VAT payment that the entity assumed for some years, which generated a loss of US$ 7,530.88.
The Comptroller’s Office reported that it had problems accessing information and that its conclusions correspond to the review of 94 payment receipts. It leaves open the possibility that the damage is greater.
“The situations described originated due to the fact that public officials and the Treasury Office of Gore Cusco deviated from their functions and the clauses of the contract, affecting collection and generating economic damage to the entity,” he concludes.