“Uruguayans have already shown that we are capable of overcoming emergencies. If we reduce the use of water, we can sustain the reserves until the much-needed rains arrive.” The text was written by Secretary of the Presidency, Álvaro Delgadoon his Twitter account and accompanied it with a public welfare campaign released by the Ministry of the Environment in which the government makes recommendations to reduce the use of OSE’s water.
“The reduction and responsible consumption of water are necessary so that the reserves do not run out” in the metropolitan area, says the message. To take care of the use of water, the government requested “not to unnecessarily let water run from the bathroom faucet in personal hygiene or in cleaning the kitchen and bathroom.”
also suggests reduce shower timedo not use the cistern “unnecessarily”, use the washing machine and the dishwasher with a full load and “in the appropriate program”, use a container to wash fruits and vegetables, do not wash vehicles “and in extreme cases do it with a container “.
It also requests that the gardens are not watered with OSE water, repair defective installations that can generate water losses in homes and report losses that are outside, as well as control water tanks, drains and septic tanks. Another recommendation is turn off the water tap when no one is home for several days.
Increased salinity and chloride in OSE water has altered several aspects of the daily life of Uruguayanswho are in front of a tap water that has a different flavor and that it comes with warnings from the Ministry of Public Health for hypertensives and people with heart or kidney problems.
This Tuesday the MSP recommended hypertensive people Do not consume more than one liter of tap water per day, after meeting with a commission of experts. This suggestion was also addressed to the people with chronic kidney disease, heart failure, cirrhosis and pregnant women.
Regarding the population that does not have any of these aforementioned health problems, the Ministry recommends that “maintain the usual daily water consumption that can be entirely OSE water”.
At the same time, during the last days it was found a “sharp increase” in the consumption of bottled water in stores and supermarkets from the country. The president of the Center for Retail Storekeepers, Baristas, Self-Service Workers and Allied Workers of Uruguay (Cambadu), Daniel Fernández, told The Observer than selling bottled water It doubled in recent weeks in local businesses (or stores).
In addition, he said that the increase in demand for bottled water both common bottles and drums were recorded. Both the general manager of the Association of Supermarkets of Uruguay (ASU), Daniel Menéndez, as well as the supermarket chains consulted in particular, assured that They do not see problems with the supply of these products.