In a press conference held last Thursday, the Minister of Education and Sciences, Nicolás Zárate, announced that all educational institutions in the country had as a “recommendation” the development of distance classes from Monday 6 to Friday 10 June.
The classes must be developed through the educational platform of the MEC Paraguay Learn, virtually or with printed booklets, as explained.
The provision of the educational portfolio is due to the significant number of respiratory conditions, which affect school-age children to a greater extent, and due to the low temperatures that have been recorded.
The proposal was announced after a meeting between authorities from the MEC and the Ministry of Health, who analyzed the current situation regarding the circulation of respiratory viruses such as influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
In this way, the proposal to advance the winter vacations that had been made by both the Paraguayan Society of Pediatrics and the National Union of Directors (SINADI), who had expressed their concern about this problem, is ruled out.
In Thursday’s conference, they explained that it is not convenient to advance the vacations considering that a greater cold wave is only expected for the month of July, also emphasizing the importance of not cutting off the development of the programmatic content.
The entrance “Recommendation” to go to virtual classes governs from this Monday was first published in diary TODAY.