The party of the Broad Front, Democratic Revolution (RD), confirmed that it was aware of the resolution of the summary carried out by the Municipality of Ñuñoa on the councilor of the party, María Eugenia “Kena” Lorenzini, where it is pointed out that the RD militant “has behaviors , generalized words or gestures that degrade the work environment”.
After a complaint for repeated workplace harassment and ill-treatment filed by one of her advisers, through a statement posted on Twitter, RD assured that “as a feminist party, we condemn and reject all types of violence. Therefore, the facts shown In summary, they seem very serious to us and go against our declaration of principles”.
In addition, they pointed out that the national leadership of the Frente Amplio community “has decided to ex officio submit the records to the party’s internal courts so that they can evaluate the pertinent sanctions. Likewise, the case will be presented to the National Political Council to validate the complementary political actions, which will be discussed with the Feminist Fronts of the DR, and all the militants involved.
“We recognize that this case has shown us the need to improve our internal protocols and that, for this reason, we are undergoing a reformulation that speeds up and proactively processes, improves the accompaniment of the complainants and avoids delays in the actions that implemented in cases of gender-based violence,” they indicated.
? Public statement: Directive and Feminist Front | Given the results of the summary involving our activist and councilor from Ñuñoa, Kena Lorenzini, we point out the following:
— Democratic Revolution (@RDemocratica) February 19, 2022