As of this coming Thursday, September 1st, the new rate segmentationwhich was divided into three levels, according to the income range of each user.
Consequently, the Secretary of Energy published this Tuesday, in its Official Gazette, the new rate table according to the new catalogingthen, according to the rate segmentation of each user, the collection will be made in the gas and electricity bills.
At the moment the Government released the seasonal prices for level 1 of the rate segmentationthat is, users with higher incomes, who will lose the total state subsidy.
Meanwhile, tomorrow, August 31, the seasonal prices for level 3 (average income) will be known, which will continue with the subsidized rate with limits on consumption. This limit rises to 550 kWh in those cities where there is no Natural Gas service.

It should be remembered that the seasonal price is one of the components that will impact the final price paid on the invoice and to which the price of transportation, distribution, taxes and local rates are added.
According to the document published this Tuesday, “from the levels established in the segmentation and the values published in the annex, increases are derived for level 1, from 65.87% to 74.79%, depending on the hour. peak, rest or valley”.

Regarding the distribution rates, which will be added to the total price of the bill, they evaluate four components: generation, transmission, distribution and tax burden (national, provincial and municipal).
How will the increases be made?
According to the new cataloging of users, for level 1 homes, the increases will be applied gradually every two months, starting in September; then they will be reflected in November and January. The rise will be on average 160%.
For medium-income users, the subsidy will be maintained with a consumption cap of 400 kWh: above that cap, the full rate will be paid. In reference to gas, the equivalent of 70% of the minimum and maximum threshold of each category and each subzone will be subsidized.