Windy weather with gusts in La Plata
The Municipality of La Plata raised to ‘yellow’ the Risk Attention Level for windy weather with gustswhich can reach 50 kilometers per hour, during this Friday, for which the tasks of prevention and monitoring of climatic conditions began.
According to the local Hydrometeorology Directorate, “during Friday morning we will have windy weather with gusts that can reach 50 kilometers per hour and occasionally 60 kilometers per hour over our city.”
Contrary to this forecast, it was reported that the tasks of the Municipal Emergency Committee (COEM) will remain operational until weather conditions improve.
The inhabitants of the city were also recommended not to take out the garbage, clean and check the pipes and drains; avoid driving on public roads and stay in a safe place during the aforementioned period.
In addition, caution was requested when driving in vehicles, do so slowly and with low beams on; do not touch cables or light poles and remove pots or other objects that can fly from balconies and windows.