The weather conditions for this Tuesday June 27 in Chile present a varied picture in different regions of the country. According to the forecasts of the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC), it is expected rainyshowers and snowfall in different areas.
In the Region from O’Higgins, the precipitations will only be present at dawn. In the case of Maule, towns such as Constitución, Curicó, Molina and Cauquenes will experience rain at dawn, while in the rest of the communes the rainfall will last until morning. In the Ñuble Region, Cobquecura will have isolated showers at dawn, while San Carlos and Chillán will experience them until morning.

In the Region Biobío, Concepción and Los Ángeles will have showers and the possibility of electrical storms at dawn and tomorrow. In Lebu, precipitation and possible thunderstorms will extend from early morning to late afternoon. The Region of La Araucanía will present rains from morning to afternoon in towns such as Angol, Puerto Saavedra and Temuco. In addition, in these last two communes there will also be a probability of electrical storms. In Villarrica and Pucón, rains are expected throughout the day, accompanied by electrical storms at dawn and at night.

In the Los Ríos Region, precipitation is expected throughout the day, with probabilities of electrical storms. In the Los Lagos Region, all communes will have rainy through Tuesday, along with thunderstorms at various times of the day. In the Aysén Region, Melinka will experience light showers from early morning to afternoon, with possible electrical storms. In Lago Verde, light snow showers are forecast in the early morning and tomorrow, which will become showers in the afternoon. Puerto Cisnes and Puerto Aysén will have light rain-snow showers in the early morning and tomorrow.
In the Region Magallanes, Punta Arenas and Porvenir will be under snowfall throughout the day, while in Puerto Natales they will only appear until morning. Torres del Paine will have light snowfall at dawn. On Easter Island (Rapa Nui), showers with winds of 25 to 45 km/h are expected at dawn and tomorrow. In the Juan Fernández Archipelago, weak showers are forecast during the early morning.