Journalist Edgard Matsuki, from National Radio Agency This Wednesday (4) received the National Tax Education Award from the National Association of State Tax Inspectors (Febrafite), with the 2024 Income Tax Doubts series.
The work, which brings together 33 reports on Income Tax, answers taxpayers’ questions on topics ranging from the simplest to more complicated issues. Presenting the most common errors made by those declaring and how to correct them, as well as deadlines and supporting documents, among others.
This year, 248 projects from 20 states were registered for the award. Those selected in the state stages were sent to the National Judging Committee, which is made up of 13 leading professionals in Tax Education from different entities, public bodies and private institutions, who chose the winners.
In addition to the press category, projects were also awarded in the Schools, Institutions and Technology categories.
The awards ceremony was held at the Auditorium of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), in Brasília.
THE National Radio Agency is a vehicle of Brazilian Communications Company (EBC)which distributes news audios, programs, podcasts and interviews free of charge to all radio stations in the country, which may be community, educational, university or commercial.