The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, through the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Post Office (Telcor), would have assigned the frequency 690 AM (amplitude modulation) to Nueva Radio Insurrección, an openly Ortega station. This frequency in AM was the one that operated Radio Brothers of the Diocese of Matagalpa, revealed the lawyer Yader Morazán, former official of the Judiciary.
“The “new insurrection” radio station, which assumes the AM frequency of the closed “Radio Hermanos” without any legal project, works within the operations center from where the massacres in Matagalpa were ordered, and was born in 2019 under the coercion of its former owner, Arnoldo Ríos,” wrote the lawyer on his Twitter account.
Radio Hermanos is a Catholic station that was closed by Telcor on August 1st in a repressive campaign against the Catholic Church and Monsignor Rolando Álvarez, one of the most critical bishops of the Ortega Murillo dictatorship. The station was born in 1993, founded by Monsignor Carlos Santi, which began broadcasting a signal on the 690 AM frequency.
Later, over time, the frequency 92.3 FM (frequency modulation) was assigned to expand coverage in much of the northern part of the Republic. The objective of the radio was to carry evangelization to all corners of the country as it was the only station in the city of Matagalpa that broadcast through two frequencies. This allowed for better coverage in the north and part of the Pacific region of Nicaragua.
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The decision of the Nicaraguan regime is based on the alleged lack of operating permits for the religious media that operated in the north of the country. The closed radio stations are Radio Hermanos, Radio Santa Lucía, from Ciudad Darío; Catholic Radio, from Sébaco; Radio San José, from Matiguás; and Radio Monte Carmelo, from Río Blanco; all belonging to the department of Matagalpa.
The closure of Catholic radio stations is added to the closure of TV Merced, from the same Diocese of Matagalpa; and the Catholic Channel of Nicaragua, owned by the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN). These actions of the dictatorship are part of the repressive escalation against the Catholic Church, its priests and bishops.
In recent months the clergy and religious temples have been victims of the intensification of the repression of the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship. Two priests are imprisoned, accused and convicted of various crimes. Several priests have denounced the permanent siege by the regime’s Police. On August 1st, the Infant Jesus of Prague chapel was taken and since that day Father Uriel Vallejos has been confined to the parish house surrounded by policemen who desecrated the temple and keep it under siege.