In the State Supplier Registry, the Nilo Burga Malca company, Frigoinca, appears recorded with two contracts with the District Municipality of Pacanga (Chepén, La Libertad), for S/28,944, in 2020. And in Public Records, In the Frigoinca registration, the businessman Nilo Burga is not even mentioned as the owner of the canned food processor but rather the brothers Fredy and Roger Rodríguez, residents of San Juan de Lurigancho. Everything is a simulation.
Since 2021, Frigoinca took flight in the Qali Warma school feeding program and began billing millions of soles, but not to the state organization. It did not sell directly to Qali Warma but to the suppliers or contractors of this program. That is why in the State Supplier Registry, the Nilo Burga company only registers two contracts with the Pacanga district, where the “Don Simón” canned pork, chicken and beef processor is located.
Another way that Nilo Burga chose to not appear as a supplier to Qali Warma was to form consortiums with other companies. In this way, Qali Warma invoiced the consortium and not Frigoinca. For example, on December 12, 2023, in La Libertad, Burga’s company won a contract for S/3.8 million to distribute food to schoolchildren in the Chugay district, in 2024.
It was the NTPPumaSAC Consortium, made up of Frigoinca and Flores Culquicóndor Martín Mattias, Operations Logistics Israel EIRL and Abrill Negocios Avícolas EIRL. The billing came out with the RUC of Israel Logistics Operations. Frigoinca did not appear.
According to Wasi Mikuna – which is what Qali Warma is now called -, by 2024, the Nilo Burga company, Frigoinca, was part of 7 consortia that signed 28 contracts for S/85 million.
This amount does not include the purchases of Don Simón de Frigoinca products made by other consortiums and other Qali Warma contracting companies.
The Republic consulted with food program suppliers from different regions of the country – who for obvious security reasons asked to keep their identity confidential – who confirmed that program officials gave them indications that in the case of the product, canned chicken, pork or res, they had to acquire Don Simón, from Frigoinca.
“The technical sheet that Qali Warma prepared for the preserves had been designed to fit Don Simón’s characteristics. If we did not comply, they would sanction us or terminate the contract,” said one of the suppliers.
“On one occasion we bought Gambrinus brand products. Qali Warma officials rejected the preserves. And they expressly told us that the required brand was Don Simón, from Frigoinca,” said another contractor in the program.
“When a group of suppliers complained to the Qali Warma headquarters in Lima saying that several cases of problems had been reported due to the consumption of Don Simón, they responded that it was the only product accepted by the program. When we insisted on purchasing other similar products, they again refused. ‘We can’t do anything. The order comes from above,’ that’s what they told us,” said another supplier from Qali Warma.
“This explains why Frigoinca virtually sold 70% of the meat products consumed by the schoolchildren of Qali Warma. We know this because we have had contracts in different parts of the country,” said a supplier.
The school feeding program itself reported that it has criminally denounced the former head of the Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit Víctor Salazar Cóndor. But the Salazar area is not responsible for preparing the technical sheets of the foods that Qali Warma requires.
IN PROGRESS. The Frigoinca factory in Pacanga (Chepén).
Below, products purchased by Qali Warma undergo inspection.
Former Frigoinca worker Noemí Alvarado Llanos has declared to the Prosecutor’s Office that her boss, Nilo Burga Malca, also managed to ensure that the technical sheets coincided with the characteristics of the Don Simón preserves.
The suppliers consulted by this newspaper confirmed that the technical specifications are defined from the Lima headquarters of the feeding program.
“The same thing that has happened with Don Simón has also happened with other products. The indications are precise. There is nothing to discuss. If we present another product, they cancel everything. There is what is called an ‘addressing’ of brands. They should be more frank and say: buy this or that brand, we don’t want others. That happens with milk,” said a supplier.
On December 27 of this year, the head of the Contracting and Resource Transfer Management Unit of Wasi Mikuna -formerly Qali Warma-, Carlos Flores Mera, circulated a memorandum to the regions of Madre de Dios, Huánuco, Huancavelica, Ayacucho , Ica, La Libertad, Áncash, Cajamarca and Apurímac, where Don Simón preserves were purchased. It was a response to a query about what to do with contracts.
Carlos Flores reported that the contracts were to be terminated, in application of the anti-corruption clause. This provision states that if acts of corruption are detected in the process of executing contracts, these must be resolved immediately. He also reported that the Attorney General’s Office of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis) has proceeded to report “for alleged crimes committed by program officials (Qali Warma) and others against the public administration, in the form of collusion, to the detriment of the State.” .
But at this point in the year the contracts have already been executed. They concluded on December 21.
Due to the publication of ‘Punto Final”s first investigative report on the case, on October 6, Qali Warma immediately ordered the suspension of the distribution of Don Simón preserves. Suppliers had to replace them with fish.
For now, Qali Warma has confirmed that only the company Frigoinca has been reported. Not so to its consortiums.
According to information from the program, those reported are 12 workers from Qali Warma, 7 from Frigoinca, one from the Regional Health Directorate of Puno, 6 from the General Directorate of Environmental Health (Digesa), one from the Ministry of Health, and others. 3 people involved. It’s just the beginning.
● Among the reported workers of the missing Qali Warma for the Frigoinca case, are the specialist in food and quality standards of the Benefits Organization Unit (headquarters, Lima), Deyvis Espinoza Mendoza.
● Also the food specialists of the Cajamarca Territorial Unit, José Floriano Miranda; that of the Áncash Territorial Unit, Luis Álvarez Saavedra; from the Loreto Territorial Unit, José Mera Paredes; and from the Cajamarca Territorial Unit, Fernando Herrera Carrión.
● In addition, Yvón Espinoza Navarro, from the Lambayeque Territorial Unit; the plant and warehouse supervisor of the Amazonas Territorial Unit, Jean Chuquibala Checan; and Bret Matos Lope, from the Ayacucho Territorial Unit