Users of the bridge Francisco del Rosario Sánchez or 17 faced difficulties yesterday due to the work of repair which was carried out by Ministry of Works Public in one of the meetings that showed deterioration.
Some drivers They reported that it took up to three hours to cross into the National District because the two lanes that connect Santo Domingo Este, in Los Mina, with the National District were closed.
After noon the bridge was enabled and the vehicles were moving slowly due to the remainder of the plugs produced from the first hours.
Philip Manzueta, a resident of El Tamarindo, explained that he had to call his work to tell him that he was late due to the plug. “I have an hour and a half from the pump to here,” (the header of the bridge on the side of Los Mina), he told reporters from Free Diary.
Other driver who was not identified said that the line extended through all the streets of the neighborhoods near the avenue Saint Vincent de Paul and that the plug It reached the Mella Highway. “Why didn’t they notify someone, even if we would have gone another route,” the man said indignantly. driver.
However, the Ministry of Works Publicly speaking, its communications director, Andrés Matos (Licho), said that the intervention was announced since the beginning of the week. He indicated that what was done now was due to an emergency situation in the expansion joint that had slight cracks and the placement of a steel plate to increase the resistance of the road.
On Monday, Works Public reported that the bridge of the 17th will be subjected to a repair general due to the state of that structure that has generated concern among citizens. That bridge It was inaugurated in 1973.
The Bridge Maintenance Directorate of the Ministry of Works Public informs that the repair structural of the bridge It will be divided into three stages, the first in cleaning and then all the information will be collected, scanning the bridge complete, which includes measurement and calibration of all elements (beams, nodes, plates, channels, among others) to determine the structural conditions of each one, modeling of the structure and preparation of plans.
After the general status of the bridgea system of protection, reinforcement and/or replacement of all elements that do not meet the required thicknesses will be designed to update the bridge to the current freight train.