Since August 2021, the Ministry of Economy stopped posting the monthly report. Work has been done on a change in the calculation methodology.
As of July 31, 2021, the public debt Ecuadorian totaled $ 62,321.90 million. All the rest of last year, and to date, the official report on the indebtedness stopped being published by the Ministry of Economy.
According to an official statement, this lack of sensitive information will be corrected from next January 7, 2022. As of that date, the Ministry will resume the publications of the newsletters not issued in the last five months.
Thus, in two days, the figures with cut to August 2021 will be released; On January 14, the bulletin corresponding to September 2021; on January 21 it will be the turn of the October 2021 information; on January 28, the report for November 2021 will be released; and, finally, on February 11, the data will be known until December 31, 2021.
According to the Ministry of Economy, during the entire time that the newslettersWork was being done to translate the new technical standard issued through ministerial agreements 96 and 99.
These agreements establish a “substantial change in the preparation and composition of the
public debt bulletins and other obligations »that will contain the following information: Initial Balance, disbursements, amortizations, interests, commissions, arrears, exchange adjustments (other economic flows) and final balance.
The new standard also determines the components required for the calculation of the indicator of the rule of debt (balance as a percentage of GDP) and other obligations of the non-financial public sector and social security, with additional information that had to be collected from different internal and external sources.
«All these aspects are established in the current legal regulations and were not included in the newsletters previous. The work carried out to comply with the new methodology has required a very significant effort and a total commitment on the part of this State portfolio, “the statement said.
The Ministry of Economy stressed that the new formats, which will be published from January 7, 2022, are aligned with the international dissemination standards promoted by international organizations, such as the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), under an updated scheme that allows visualizing the level of public sector debt.
Specifically, debt bulletins will have the following structure:
1.- Presentation
2.- Publication of the indicator of debt and other obligations of the non-financial public sector (including social security) with respect to GDP, in accordance with the definition of Ministerial Agreement 77 of August 14, 2021 and its technical implementation standard.
3.- Information on the debt aggregate and consolidated of the General Budget of the State, of the non-financial public sector (including social security) and of the total public sector.
4.- Tables of consolidated and aggregated debt and its different components.
5.- Tables with the movement of the debt and its different components.
6.- Tables of the consolidated debt of the Total Public Sector.
7.- Tables of the weighted contractual terms of the balance of the debt external and internal by type of creditors.
8.- Tables of the terms to expire weighted from the balance of the debt external and internal by type of creditor.
9.- Tables of the weighted contractual interest rates of the balance of the debt external and internal by type of creditor.
10.- Statistical annex.
This 2022 will be difficult in terms of indebtedness for the Government of Guillermo Lasso. The source of the multilaterals can no longer be used as in the last two years; and the country is expected to reissue bonds in international markets to obtain the financing it needs. (JS)
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