The Ministry of People’s Power for Interior Relations, Justice and Peace (MPPRIJP), through the National Service for Disarmament (SENADES), is carrying out the National Public Consultation, Disarmament, Arms and Ammunition Control in Venezuela, a process that is being performing online, with a view to holding the first international congress this August 29 and 30 throughout the country.
Through this consultation, the organized popular power, and the community in general, promote participation spaces for the consolidation of a comprehensive preventive policy to minimize violence with firearms, with this it is intended to strengthen the culture of peace and solidarity coexistence in the country. The process will be carried out until September 15, as confirmed by the general director of Senades, C/G Manolo Benabente through a radio program, refers to the Senades press release.
For this contribution, the citizen must fill out the survey, entering through the link available on all SENADES social networks, thus contributing to the analysis and reflection on the importance of prevention and disarmament in the communities.