The Ministry of Agriculture has a public consultation open, until Friday (29), on concessions for the national forests of Jatuarana, Pau Rosa and Gleba Castanho. Coordinated by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), the consultation has been open since the beginning of June and aims to collect information, contributions and suggestions from the population regarding forest concessions.
The forest concession allows the winning company to carry out sustainable management of public forests. Forest management consists of low impact exploitation mechanisms and practices to capture natural resources without harming the forest. With the execution of the management, only four to six trees are removed per hectare, and the resumption of the area can occur after 25 to 35 years, respecting the natural regeneration of the managed forest.
In order to compete in the bids, interested parties may consult the documents and forward contributions and questions to the emails indicated in each notice. Competitors will compete for each of the Forest Management Units (FMUs), presenting technical and price proposals.
The Flona do Jatuarana, located in the municipality of Apuí (AM), will offer 376.9 thousand hectares, consisting of four FMUs. Flona do Pau Rosa, in the municipality of Maués (AM), has three FMUs that total 249 thousand hectares and, finally, Gleba Castanho, in the municipalities of Careiro (AM) and Manaquiri (AM), has three FMUs, equivalent to to 151 thousand hectares. The sum of the three forests totals 885 thousand hectares for forest concession.
Public consultation concession notices are available at link