Angelica Sosa’s husband, Sergio Perovic, left the country five days ago in the direction of Salta, Argentina. However, now it is presumed that he is in Peru and the Prosecutor’s Office Wait for the Police and Immigration to confirm this information.through reports of their migratory flow. To
For this reason, the departmental prosecutor, Roger Mariaca, indicated that Perovic will be cited through press releasesso that he appears to testify as an investigator for the alleged crime of legitimization of illicit profits, within the case called ‘prestín’.
Note in progress…
Angelica Sosa’s husband, Sergio Perovic, left the country five days ago in the direction of Salta, Argentina. However, now it is presumed that he is in Peru and the Prosecutor’s Office Wait for the Police and Immigration to confirm this information.through reports of their migratory flow. To
For this reason, the departmental prosecutor, Roger Mariaca, indicated that Perovic will be cited through press releasesso that he appears to testify as an investigator for the alleged crime of legitimization of illicit profits, within the case called ‘prestín’.
Note in progress…