In the city of Emboscada, the construction of the new penitentiary corresponding to Lot 1 is advancing, presenting to date a general progress of 93%, while the Effluent Treatment Plant reached 71.84%.
The Public Works portfolio reported that, in turn, other areas such as the structural interconnection gallery, the visitor sector ramp and the lower and upper water tank, in addition to the general roof, already have 100% progress.
The workshop area and cell pavilion, kitchen and laundry room on the ground floor, sports sector, as well as the administration part on the upper floor, security checkpoint, exterior reinforced concrete perimeter wall and sanitary facilities, are also almost completed.
This new penitentiary headquarters consists of 8 modules, one of which is high security. All of them are designed to comply with rehabilitation, training and social reintegration, a program to be implemented by the Ministry of Justice.
This is one of the two penitentiaries being built in the city of Emboscada. Together with that of Minga Guazú, department of Alto Paraná, they will have the capacity to house a total of 3,960 people deprived of their liberty.
The contractor in charge is the firm Aponte Latorre SA, with a contract of G. 74,426,275,623, according to the modifying agreement that includes the Treatment Plant.