One of the headaches of Colombians over the years is, without a doubt, that of tolls, since during the national strike that took place in 2021 Several of them were vandalized due to the protest over their high charges.
Likewise, debates are also generated on social networks where Colombians desperately ask that this issue be regulated as soon as possible, so that the roads of the country are maximized since many of them are too deteriorated.
For this reason, with the arrival of Gustavo Petro to the Presidency of the Republic, the possibility of this being possible has been considered. However, at the junction it was said that 19 more tolls could be establishedwhich can fade this idea that many citizens yearn for.
Therefore, Fabián Díaz Plata presented a bill before the Congress of the Republic in which it seeks to reduce the collection booths of tolls for all roads in the country.
“The minimum distance between two toll booths must be 150 linear kilometers, ending the scams that exist on the highway between Cali and Pereira, where there are 5 tolls in just 200 kilometersor on the Bucaramanga Barrancabermeja road where they attack us with 6”, was what the speaker said, waiting for the signatures to be approved and debated, seeking to eliminate the tolls that are within the special districts.
Also read: Electronic tolls in Colombia: where will they be and how will they work
Thus, what they are also looking for is to regulate the cost of highway tolls. Since as stipulated by the Portafolio newspaper, lhe most expensive tolls range from $12,800 to $18,800.