A modifying message sent to the National Congress increases the request for special credit (outside the spending ceiling) from R$ 8.76 million to R$ 114.33 million. The proposal, sent tonight (13) by President Jair Bolsonaro, includes new categories of budget programs in a project that is being discussed in the National Congress.
With the proposed modifications, PLN 42/2022 now provides for the opening, in the Federal Fiscal Budget, of special credit in favor of the following ministries: Education, Infrastructure, Justice and Public Security, and Labor and Social Security. The original text did not include the Ministry of Infrastructure.
The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic did not detail the distribution of special credits in each portfolio. He just explained that the project does not violate the spending ceiling or the primary result target.
Among the new types of income that will finance the special credits, there is the complement of the monetary update of the resources of the Severance Guarantee Fund (FGTS). The General Secretariat did not report the other changes in relation to the original draft.
At the end of the year, the government is having to reallocate several resources and ask for the opening of special credits to recompose the budget of several public agencies that had contingency funds (blocked) at the end of November.