Promperu launched the program Tourism Bicentennial, which aims to train artisans and guides so that they can increase their digital skills and thus promote their services.
This is an initiative of the Embassy of the United States in Peru, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur); Promperú, and the articulation with different regional governments.
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From Chachapoyas, the Education and Culture Attaché of the United States Embassy in Peru, Rebecca Webb, said that this program aims to train more than 250 small and micro-entrepreneurs, including tour guides and artisans, in the regions from Amazonas, Áncash, Lima, Callao, Madre de Dios, Huancavelica, Puno, Loreto, San Martín and Ucayali.
“When we work hand in hand we achieve several things and help the development of communities. From the embassy we seek to reach remote communities in the Andes and Amazon. Likewise, we will recognize women artisans and we will continue working on promoting exchange and creating commercial opportunities that are so important to achieve the visibility of the peoples.”, highlighted Webb.
The training revolves around digital language, with the “Digital Artisan” and “Export Route” programs. While for tour guides, “Emprende Digital” will be implemented.
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Through the “Specialized Home Deco Route”, the internationalization of artisans is promoted through Promperú’s Peru Marketplace platform.
“The activity consists of adapting the business model of gift and home decoration companies, improving business skills through digital mechanisms”, stressed Amora Carbajal, executive president of Promperú.
In addition, Bicentennial Tourism will help artisans to optimize digital communication, the creation and use of email, communication applications, online RUC procedures, the importance of being in the National Artisan Registry, brand positioning, commercial identity , storytelling, digital content creation, among others.