More than 600 community organization projects approved in 2022 will be systematized and reviewed during the National Congress of Direct Experiences of People’s Power Management (Sinco) throughout the country, reported the Vice Minister of Organization and Community and Social Participation, César Carrero.
Carrero explained that “it will be known from the voices of these organizations themselves, how they developed the efficient administration of the financial resources granted by the State last year, before, during and after having proposed the solution to the exposed problem.”
The information was disclosed during an interview conducted on the radio station interview YVKE Mundial, where he mentioned that the objective of data systematization is to generate policies that allow solving bureaucratic situations and, in turn, recognize the successful ways that some organizations developed to achieve their goals.
The vice minister informed that the Congress focuses on three main areas of these organizations: the social, services and socio-productive area; by emphasizing that each one has particular variables and characteristics that will be measured scientifically to obtain indicators and accurately account for what happened.
“We are also interested in being told about those projects that did not meet the objectives due to external situations, to take timely measures or provide recommendations and solve,” he added.
The initial call is for five spokespersons for each organization, multiplied by the 600 projects, which would account for more than four thousand participants, but additionally institutions and professors from the universities in each entity are expected to arrive.
Carrero said that in Caracas the exhibition of 20 organizations was obtained last Saturday, but that the state with the largest number of registered projects is Zulia with 70.
“We have other states that, due to their socio-productive characteristics or some other interaction on the platform, were able to upload more projects and a state where more were approved,” he clarified.
Role of universities
Finally, he recognized that the role of universities has been key to the construction of this congress of experiences, from which the participation of the Ministry of University Education was approved, preparatory meetings were held.
We have summoned them to help us precisely to do this systematization work, they have been the ones who have proposed what type of indicators to work on, especially an indicator that talks about the organization, we will be able to have an overview of how organized it was the community when the project decision was made, if they complied with the specific action agenda, or what strategies they used for the calls. So, without a doubt, the universities have been key in the entire construction of the Congress format”.
Source: MinComunas Press