After it became known that Oscar Diaz MendozaGeneral Director of Artisanal Fisheries of the Ministry of Production, promoted the hiring of his son-in-law and his nephew-in-law In his ministerial office, Produce announced the decision to remove him from office.
Through a statement shared on its social networks, the aforementioned ministry shared that Díaz Mendoza no longer has a work relationship with the institution. The same fate will befall the relatives of the now former official, since it was also reported that the service orders of both were rescinded because he no longer has the need for his work.
“The immediate rescission of Service Order No. 491-2022 has been ordered, corresponding to suppliers Jesus Eduardo Herrera Gonzalesand Service Order No. 00502-2022, of Damian Alejandro Llanos Vergaraas they no longer have the need for the aforementioned service. Regarding the Director of Artisanal Fisheries, it is reported that his employment relationship with the institution has been terminated”, reads the statement shared on Twitter.
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The Sunday “Punto final” revealed that Díaz Mendoza had interceded to finalize the hiring of his son-in-law, Damian Llanos. Faced with the questions, the then Produce official declared that he was unaware of the link that the subject had with his daughter, despite the fact that a Facebook post shows that she was present at the marriage.
“What a surprise. It’s not going to be a doctored photo. It’s surprising me, I wasn’t aware of this. I have told him: ‘They must have married in secret’. The truth is, I don’t know what the persecutory desire of all this is, “he replied to the Sunday program when asked about the publication on social networks.
He also promoted the hiring of Jesús Herrera, his nephew-in-law, for a period of three months as coordinator in the Press Office of the Ministry of Production. In that sense, he pointed out that it was an “urgency” issue.
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“That has been an emergency issue for two months; he is no longer hired. (It was) to meet an urgent need that I had to cover to go out to the outside world due to the conflicts that existed over artisanal fishing, and now I am hiring a new social communicator, ”Óscar Díaz responded to the Sunday.