The measures are requested due to the judicial contempt of the releases of the photographer Carlos Debiais and Saúl Cordero. According to the Observatory, the releases “have not been carried out by the directors of the judicial internees with the excuse that Minister Mirelys Contreras does not give them the order to comply with the judge’s mandate”
Lawyers representing the Venezuelan Prison Observatory (OVP) requested, on the afternoon of May 4, amparo actions against the directors of the El Rodeo II and III prisons for disobeying prisoners’ release tickets.
The amparos, consigned by the lawyers Abraham Rojas and Joel García on behalf of the OVPwere received by the Court of Control 22 and 23. According to the Organic Law for Protection of Liberty and Personal Security, they have 96 hours to respond and send the letters to the prisons.
The amparos, consigned by Abraham Rojas and Joel García on behalf of @oveprisioneswere received by the Court of Control 22 and 23. According to the Organic Law for Protection of Liberty and Personal Security, they have 96 hours to respond and send the letters to the prisons.
— Obs. V. of Prisons (@oveprisiones) May 4, 2022
In particular, the measures are requested for the judicial contempt of the release of photographer Carlos Debiais and Saúl Cordero. According to the Observatory, the releases “have not been carried out by the directors of the judicial internees with the excuse that Minister Mirelys Contreras does not give them the order to comply with the judge’s mandate.”
In the case of Debiais, arrested in November 2021 for allegedly flying a drone in a security zone near a Falcon refinery, his release ticket was issued on April 12. He is considered one of the 240 political prisoners documented by the Penal Forum.
☝️Photographer Carlos Debiais, who was arbitrarily detained on #12nov of 2021, has a release ticket from the #12apr and he is still imprisoned.
We demand that #FreeACarlosDebiais!
— Public Space ?️ (@espaciopublico) May 5, 2022
While in the lamb case, arrested in October 2021, the release was signed on March 15 by the Fourth Control Court with jurisdiction in cases associated with terrorism, in Caracas. The judge ordered a house arrest measure due to his age and delicate health condition.
In addition, the lawyers filed with the Public Ministry a complaint for illegitimate deprivation of liberty and a criminal investigation was requested of the directors of those prisons and against Minister Contreras.
“Let us also remember that since 2008 the El Rodeo I and II prisons have provisional measures that urge to protect the life and personal integrity of all persons deprived of liberty in these facilities,” the OVP stressed.
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