Fuel prices had a slight drop in some taps in Arequipa, compared to last week.
Next, we detail the prices of gasoline, diesel and domestic gas for today, Friday, October 14.
How much is gasoline today October 14 in Arequipa?
The price of a gallon 84 octane gasoline It ranges from 18 soles in the Arequipa districts. At the tap on Av. Progreso in the district of Miraflores it is sold at 18.59 soles.
While the gasoline 90 octaneIt is sold at 17.59 soles at the Gamarra tap on the Vía de Evitamiento, at 17.99 soles at the Petroperú tap on El Filter street and at 18.67 soles at Llamagas in the Cerro Colorado district. While in the Pecsa parking lot in the Bolognesi area in Cayma it is sold at 18.25 soles.
On the other hand, gasoline 95 octane The Gamarra tap in Cerro Colorado is sold at 18.99 soles, at 19.99 soles in the Petroperú parking lot on El Filter street and at 19.99 in Llamagas on Cerro Colorado. Meanwhile, in the district of Cayma, at the Pecsa pump in the Bolognesi area, it is sold at 20.15 soles.
What is the price of oil (diesel) today at the taps?
This Friday, October 14, the dayhe DB5 S-50 (oil) is at 17.58 soles in Gamarra, at 19.39 in El Filter street.
What is the price of LPG today October 14 in Arequipa?
The price of LPG also had a slight reduction in cents, at the Gamarra faucet in Cerro Colorado it is sold at 7.70, when more than a week ago it exceeded 8 soles. In El Filter street it is sold at 7.80 soles and in Llamagas at 7.95 soles.
How much does the gas balloon cost?
The 10-kilogram gas balloon registers prices ranging from S/ 50.00 to 56, depending on the brand and the distance from the establishment.