A bad credit rating in credit bureaus, such as infocorp, can close many doors to realize personal or business plans, against various financial entities. It is a platform that allows evaluating which clients fall more into arrears to determine if they are good credit subjects or not.
However, this situation does not represent a dead end, since entities such as the fintech Prestamype offer the opportunity, to people with a bad credit score or who do not yet have a credit history, to access a loan with good conditions and a low interest rate. interest.
SIGHT: Infocorp: how to easily get off the ‘black list’ if you paid a debt or not?
Receiving a financing opportunity is possible thanks to its system of home equity loans. It is a high demand loan, offered only by some entities, among which stands out Prestamype for offering the best conditions to its clients, since it offers a flexible evaluation, rapid disbursement and loans of up to S/ 1 million, according to the evaluation of each client.
How to request financing from Prestamype?
The first thing is to make sure you meet all the requirements to start the process. These are:
● Have a property, whether it is a house, an apartment, a piece of land or a business premises, that supports the application and the debt.
● The property must be free of fines, charges or affectations in public records or in the municipality. In addition, the property must be correctly registered in SUNARP.
● The property must be located in Metropolitan Lima or Callao. If it is in the name of several people, they must all agree to the mortgage.
Once everything is in order with the property to be mortgaged, it is time to start the financing request:
1. Contact: Fill out the online form and prequalify. Prestamype will contact the client to validate their data and answer any questions.
two. Documentation: Prestamype will arrange a meeting with the applicant to verify the required documentation and carry out the appraisal of the property to be mortgaged.
3. Disbursement: In an average of 15 business days after the delivery of all the documents, the applicant will sign the contract in a notary’s office and receive their loan.
To give the client the opportunity to manage the financing at their own pace, Prestamype It offers the possibility of paying in fixed installments, flexible installments or zero installments. In addition, it offers a TCEA from 16%, the only one in the current market that includes appraisal, notary and registry expenses. A very attractive figure and well below the 45% offered by other loan companies. In addition, it helps to avoid cost overruns or surprises after closing the financing deal.
Prestamype has been in operation for more than five years and has disbursed more than S/ 120 million in financing to more than 1,500 entrepreneurs, who have received a flexible evaluation process. Qualifies for a loan still reported in Infocorp with Prestamype. If you’re interested in home equity loans, you can find out if you prequalify online. entering here.