Decree signed by President Jair Bolsonaro and published today (25) in an extra edition of Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) authorizes the merger of two public infrastructure companies to form a new one, Infra S/A.
The decree authorizes the incorporation of Empresa de Planejamento e Logística S/A (EPL) by Valec – Engenharia, Construções e Ferrovias. All the attributions and commitments of both state companies will be absorbed by the new company to be created.
The forecast is that the process of formation of the new company will last 180 days. According to the government’s calculations, the merger should result in savings to public coffers of R$30 million in the first year and R$90 million in subsequent years.
The savings would be generated “by productivity gains with the reorganization of processes, optimization of current contracts and through further reduction in personnel expenses”, said the Ministry of Infrastructure, in a note.
“The company’s vocation will be to promote the development and innovation of the multimodal transport and logistics infrastructure in Brazil in a sustainable way, covering the realization of diagnoses, studies and planning of multimodal infrastructure to support the elaboration of public policies and the development of modeling concession of assets”, informed the folder.
The merger was based on the report of an independent consultancy, according to which the two infrastructure companies already acted in a complementary and, sometimes, overlapping way. Valec is the state-owned company responsible for the management and construction of railways. EPL works in the elaboration of the National Logistics Plan and in projects and studies of concessions.