After a historic election and within the framework of a context of political change also marked by the Constitutional Convention, the president of the Council for Transparency (CPLT), Gloria de la Fuente, affirmed that “transparency and integrity in public matters is key and the private in order to build trust towards the future. And this should be on the agenda ”.
On regulation in political and electoral matters, he stressed that in the country “we have generated good standards, but they are still insufficient.” He exemplified what happens with irregular campaign financing crimes, “which are prescribed very quickly in Chile. “And it turns out that many times we do not have the possibility of knowing about issues that have to do with irregular financing,” he said.
For this reason, I aim at strengthening the capacities of the Servel, which has shared oversight powers with the Council in matters of political parties. “Chile Transparente made a great effort for a long time to generate an index of transparency in political parties. I think we have to deepen that from the public, “he said.
He added that it has been assumed “from the Council for Transparency that it is not only a matter of talking about a standard of access to public information, but that what we have to strengthen in our country is an ecosystem of transparency and integrity in the public and fight against corruption ”.
Handover of government
In addition to a series of actions that companies, particularly small ones, can implement to assume transparency obligations, the panelists addressed the challenge facing the country in this area due to the transfer of command in 2022.
In this regard, the head of the CPLT commented on the need to generate shared standards: “we do not have any type of rule or clear procedure in Chile.” He also stated in this regard that “there have been more transfer practices, which should be regulated. Still, even in the absence of norms, a high level of transparency should be taken as a cross-cutting principle in matters of transfer of command. We have been working in the Council and we have made known to the authority what those basic standards should be ”.
The representative of Public Space, Valeria Lübbert raised expectations regarding the way in which this process should develop, hoping that it will be digitized. “It is more efficient and will expedite the transfer”, in addition to allowing access to citizenship of what the current government leaves and what the one who assumes receives, he pointed out.