Today: July 26, 2024
July 22, 2023
3 mins read

President Maduro: People in the streets defend peace and stability

The different mobilizations that have been carried out in each of the entities of the national territory have demonstrated the joy and passion of Venezuelans, a “people aware that peace and stability must be defended” in the country, the President of the Republic highlighted this Saturday, Nicolas Maduro.

Through his account on the social network Twitter, the Head of State highlighted the impressive mobilizations that have been staged in the different communities of the country.

“Why that passion and that joy? Simple, the people are aware that we must defend peace, stability and the right to the future of children and youth”, stressed the President.

“The mobilizations that we have seen in the communities of the country are impressive, why this passion and joy? Simple, the people are aware that peace, stability and the right to the future of children and youth must be defended,” President Maduro published on Twitter.

Mobilizations this Friday

Given the mobilizations carried out this Friday in the country, the Head of State through the social network emphasized that the people are demonstrating in the streets in defense of sovereignty and in rejection of the sanctions imposed against Venezuela by the government of the United States.

In this sense, President Maduro reviewed the march carried out in the Anzoátegui municipality, in the state cojedesand affirmed that “the people are giving a great demonstration of organization and strength.”

“A beautiful march in the Anzoátegui municipality, Cojedes state! The town is giving a great show of organization and strength like never before. My recognition and all my love, ”he said on the social network.

Likewise, the Head of State highlighted the mobilization carried out in Barrancas, state Barinasin which the organization, will and loyalty of popular power was evidenced.

“How beautiful the town of Barrancas, in Barinas Mobilized! With work, will and loyalty we are moving forward, with organization, action and deployment for the well-being of the good Homeland. Long live the Revolutionary Feeling! ”, He indicated on Twitter.

For its part, the town of Ocumare del Tuy, state mirandaoverflowed in the streets demonstrating love and support for the Bolivarian Revolution.

Regarding the mobilization, the Head of State thanked the Mirandino people for their expressions of affection, who expressed their love and loyalty to the revolutionary process on banners.

“Thank you for these expressions of love, for your loyalty and the great historical awareness that you have,” he added.

“My sincere hug to the people of Ocumare del Tuy in Miranda state, we saw their banners and so many expressions of affection. Thank you for these displays of love, for your loyalty and the great historical awareness you have. We are the sons and daughters of the Libertadores and Libertadoras”, said the President.

In cumaná the communities also took to the streets willing to continue defending the Bolivarian Revolution under any circumstances.

“I received this impressive video of the extraordinary march in Cumaná, Sucre state, always revolutionary, it is the cradle of loyal men and women and willing to defend the Revolution against any circumstance,” the President posted on Twitter.

The people will continue in the streets

The mobilizations in support of President Nicolás Maduro, the Bolivarian Revolution and the measures taken in response to the blockade imposed by the United States will continue to be carried out in the different states of the country.

In this sense, the militancy of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the different social movements will continue in the streets to ratify their support for peace, stability and the Revolution.

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