President Louis Abinader yesterday appointed two new deputy attorneys, both recommended by the attorney general Miriam German Brito.
Those appointed by Decree 413-22 are Jose Vitervo Cabral Gonzalez and Isis Germania de la Cruz Duartewho replace Rafael Suarez Perez and Edwin Acosta Suarez.
A communication indicates that although the two deputy attorneys are freely appointed by the President of the Republic, as empowered by article 171 of the Constitution, on this occasion they were appointed on the recommendation of the attorney general, to advocate for the independence of the Public Ministry (MP).
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According to the document, the outgoing deputy attorneys, who had been appointed by decree 333-20, resigned from their positions on July 21, which gave attorney Germán Brito the opportunity to recommend their substitutes, who are also from MP’s career.
This initiative is part of President Luis Abinader’s decision to keep the Executive branch distant from the decisions of the Public ministryfor the sake of advocating the independence of this institution, which is one of the main purposes of the Government.
It is recalled that, in order to legally secure this intention of the Executive Power, it has been included in the constitutional reform proposal
Other designations
President Louis Abinader made several changes to the government train on Wednesday night. The Ministry of Education, the General Directorate of Migration, the Dominican Postal Institute (Inposdom), National Assetswere some of the institutions where the president of the nation made changes in his high instances.
final modifications necessary for the definitive independence of the Public ministry.