The government will grant radio and television channels to Yes and No campaigns for the referendum that proposes to repeal 135 articles of the law of urgent consideration (LUC)reported this Tuesday Underlined (channel 10) and confirmed The Observer. At the moment there are no requests in this regard.
Each campaign will thus be able to publicize its arguments and expand the democratic debate about the electoral instance that will take place next March 27th.
In June 2021, the president Luis Lacalle Pou He denied that tool to the then Pro-Referendum Commission, and considered that it seemed “outdated”. He recalled that he himself has not used that resource, and attributed it to that reason. The government considers only “needs of a national nature that involve government institutions” and not social organizations, argued the Presidency.
The next referendum – whose participation will be mandatory – is a national instance that complies with this concept; It is an issue of high public interest that requires extensive debate, according to what the Executive Power considers.
There were also two other previous requests, which were rejected in 2020. One of them was the one requested for May 1, on the occasion of Workers’ Day, and another, on the 20th of that month, to the organization Mothers and Relatives of Detainees. Disappeared that was unable to make the March of Silence, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
The article 94 of law 19,307 indicates that “they will have a reasonable frequency and duration and will deal with issues of public interest or urgent issues that may seriously affect the population.”
When the Executive Power enables them, the national chains must be founded by means of a resolution, which takes on a public character.