Fewer resources for social evaluation
When analyzing the Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF) 2025, Coneval identifies that the resources for the evaluation of the social development policy will have a decrease of 32% compared to what was approved in 2024, going from 304.42 million pesos to 206.29.
Although it was created in October 2019, during the López Obrador government, the National Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education (Mejoredu) is another of the organizations that will disappear.
It had the function of carrying out studies, specialized research and diagnostic, formative and comprehensive evaluations of the National Educational System. It was the last institution left that carried out any educational evaluation, after the last administration eliminated the rest of the organizations in charge of evaluating student learning.
These are some of the latest data he published:
Survey on bullying in secondary school
Thanks to this statistical exercise disseminated by Mejoredu, in October 2014, Mexico has figures on the prevalence of bullying: 17.3% of high school students were occasionally bullied. That is, they report having been attacked up to four times by colleagues in a period of three months.
Additionally, 11% receive frequent bullying: students report having been attacked five or more times by their peers in the last three months.
“More than a quarter of the students reported having been the victim of occasional or frequent aggression,”
The most common attacks reported by students who experience frequent bullying are insults (95.9%) and teasing (88.2%).
Fewer teachers and schools
In the 2022-2023 school year, a decrease was reported at the upper secondary level of 2,743 teachers and 104 schools, going from 290,302, in the 2021-2022 cycle, to 287,559 in the case of teachers and from 18,048 to 17,944 with respect to schools.
While the student body presented an increase of 141,996 students from one cycle to the next, going from 4 million 861,091 in 2021-2022 to 5 million 003,087 in 2022-2023.
School attendance rate
School attendance by the school-age population shows that the levels prior to the Covid-19 health contingency have been recovered. However, there are still girls and boys not attending school. In 2022, 76.1% of girls and boys between three and five years old went to school; 98.2% of childhoods from six to 11 years old; 92.1% from 12 to 14 years old; 74.1% from 15 to 17 years old and 34.6% from 18 to 24 years old.
Educational infrastructure
According to data from Mejoredu for the 2021-2022 school year, 54,662 schools in the country do not have drinking water, 5,950 do not have bathrooms, 42,474 do not have sinks and 25,890 lack electricity.
Diagnostic evaluation
Basic education students, both from private and public schools, failed in a diagnostic evaluation applied by the National Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education (Mejoredu) in 2022.
Only second grade primary school students passed the reading assessment, but with a minimum percentage of correct answers: 61.9%. In mathematics, no grade achieved more than 60% correct answers.
By school grade, fourth and fifth grades recorded the lowest percentages in reading, with 38.8% and 38.9%, respectively. Then they were placed in sixth grade of primary school (43.9%) and first grade of secondary school (44%).
The results of the diagnostic evaluation of mathematical skills show that in no grade were more than 60% of the questions answered correctly. The highest percentage of correct answers occurred in second grade, with only 57%, and the lowest occurred in fifth grade, with 32.8%. In secondary school, the lowest result was in second and third grades with 36%.