Paraguay has again been postponed in terms of fighting corruption according to a report from Washington that annually measures the commitment of Latin American countries in a true vocation to fight corruption. We are in the last places and the central argument of this report has to do with the fact that the Prosecutor’s Office is absolutely subject to powers that have to do with delinquency and criminality.
The Public Ministry does little favor in circumstances like you are, when with its lack of capacity, to act, of will, of submission to constitutional mandates, it ends up finally being rented to the actors of corporate and mafia power.
As long as this does not change, we will continue to be postponed, and the perception that they will have of us from the outside is that we are not an organized and respected State in institutional terms, but rather that we are on the way to becoming a failed one.
The Public Ministry has promoted the postponement -again- of the fight against corruption among those who have the judges of the Judicial Power as key associates.