Politur celebrates the forty-ninth anniversary of its creation

Santo Domingo.- The Central Directorate of the Tourism Police (POLITUR) commemorated the Forty-ninth anniversary of its foundation with the celebration of a Eucharist in the auditorium of the National Police.

The liturgical ceremony was officiated by Monsignor Francisco Ozoria Acosta, Metropolitan Archbishop of Santo Domingo and was headed by the director general of the National Police, Major General Ramón Antonio Guzmán Peralta and General Minoru Matsunaga, director of the Central Directorate of Tourism Police, accompanied by the high command of this direction.

When addressing those present, General Minoru Matsunaga expressed his gratitude to President Luis Abinader Corona for trusting him to direct the destinies of that police entity specialized in tourist security.

«We have had the support of His Excellency President of the Republic, Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona, to whom we express our gratitude for his support, since in his capacity as supreme authority of the Armed Forces and the National Police, through the Minister of Tourism , David Collado, arranged the acquisition for Politur of 75 double cabin trucks, 79 motorcycles and 50 four-wheelers, vehicles that were immediately incorporated into Politur’s vehicle fleet to strengthen operations, with a rational distribution. Matsunaga highlighted.

Likewise, the director of Politur stated that they are already training young people in tourism security, with the aim of strengthening the institution.

«Likewise, and thanks to the support of the general director of the National Police, Major General Ramón Antonio Guzmán Peralta, just a month ago 300 young people entered to begin their training process as conscripts of the National Police at the General Tourist Security School of José Dante Lino Galán Marte Brigade, in San Isidro; “Once these young people complete their training phase, they will be incorporated into prevention and intelligence tasks.” Indian.

In his speech, the director of POLITUR also reported that the institution has implemented a digital radio communication system to make Tourism Security tasks more efficient.

The commemorative events included the graduation of course personnel «Mountain Search and Rescue»and a floral offering at the Altar of the Homeland.

Also read: Miriam Germán rejects accusations from the Director of Immigration and reiterates the MP’s commitment to compliance with the law

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