The Blue and White National Unit (UNAB) expressed its closeness and solidarity with the political prisoners of the Jorge Navarro National Penitentiary System, known as “La Modelo”, who have begun an indefinite hunger strike to demand their release and respect for their rights. from the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega.
“We have learned that political prisoners, unfairly imprisoned in the “Jorge Navarro” National Penitentiary System (SPN), known as “La Modelo”, have started an indefinite hunger strike demanding their release, that the prison authorities respect them their rights in the prison and that the transfers to the maximum security cells be completed, ”said the opposition bloc in a release.
“We express our solidarity and closeness with those imprisoned on hunger strike in El Chipote and the Modelo prison, as well as with their families. We demand that the Ortega Murillo dictatorship cease all acts of torture against all political prisoners that he unjustly keeps in captivity,” he added.
Related news: Political prisoners of “La Modelo” begin indefinite hunger strike to demand their release
Likewise, the Unab denounced that the Ortega Murillo administration keeps more than 200 opposition leaders imprisoned under “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” in the different prisons of the country.
He pointed to the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship for continuing to subject prisoners of conscience to “a system of systematic torture that has undermined their health and physical condition. Many political prisoners have developed diseases in captivity and do not receive specialized medical attention to treat their ailments.
Given this situation, the political organization demanded that the Ortega administration immediately cease all “acts of torture” against prisoners of conscience “who are unjustly held in captivity.”
“We demand that the regime comply with the United Nations Minimum Rules for the treatment of inmates, known as the Mandela Rules, and Law No. 473, Law on the Penitentiary Regime and Execution of Sentences, as long as all political prisoners are not put on trial. freedom. They are all innocent,” the statement read.

In addition, “we hold Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo responsible for the physical integrity and life of each of the political prisoners,” said Unab.
“We urge the international community to take action against the Ortega Murillo dictatorship so that the liberation of all politicians and Nicaragua is achieved promptly,” he concluded.