“What are you going to do to (help) the children who are orphaned?” The question by Carmen Barrenechea, representative of the National Association of Class and Police Wives (Anesclapol) remains in the air. The Commander General of the Police, Jhonny Aguilera, and other police authorities announced aid for both the funeral and the families of the victims. “The commander still hasn’t run with anything,” says Barrenechea.
Anesclapol spokeswoman sued to the government “an insurance that has to be activated” to help the wife and children of the deceased police officers. Before the microphones of EL DEBER Radio, in the program A Primera Hora, he questions the lack of a clear and public position of the Minister of Government on this case.
In addition to requesting resources that benefit the widows and families of those in uniform, Barrenechea questioned the lack of help for burials. “All expenses have been provided by the same family and comrades,” he detailed.
In public demonstrations, police authorities assured that they would bear the funeral expenses of the Sergeant Major Eustaquio Olano, Second Sergeant Alfonso Chávez and the Gacip volunteer, Daniel Candia Orihuela, assassinated last Tuesday.
Barrenechea expanded the questions about the situation in which the police find themselves. “They don’t provide them with material. The police have to sew their own suit because they only get cloth. If they give them the boots “, he acknowledges, although he immediately points out that the uniformed men cannot expect the government to offer them” weapons or a protective vest “.
Announces a national congress of police wives to be held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra as an emergency. This meeting will be held coinciding with the anniversary of the olive green institution, which will take place on Friday, June 24.
The police holiday arrives with a bitter taste and “a great annoyance within the troop”. Even more so with the official announcement about the delivery of support food for the uniformed. “Do you want to shut us up?”, the Anesclapol spokeswoman asks while she puts other emergencies beforehand to improve the work of the police.