As a meek pigeon and in its own office it was intervened by the Police and the Anti -Corruption Prosecutor of Sullana, the municipal manager of the District Municipality of his, in the Ayabaca provinceJuan Manuel Ruiz Hernández, after S/ 2000 was found of an alleged coima.
His arrest occurred on Wednesday afternoon by the second office of the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office specialized in crimes committed by Public officials of Sullana, together with the agents of the Directorate against Corruption (Dircocor), who also raided the facilities of the district commune of His.
According to the complaint filed by a construction businessman, the municipal manager, Juan Manuel Ruíz Hernández, and the Chief of Infrastructure and Cadastre, Sabino B. Ramírez G., personally asked him, personally at the Office of the Municipal Management, S/ 150 000 In order to comply with the observations that were previously lifted and that the Municipal Management issues the approval corresponding to the payment process pending the “Improvement and extension of the water and sanitation services of the town center of Ahisara of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district of the district Yours ”, a work valued at S/ 500 000.
In addition, the businessman showed and delivered the communications via WhatsApp that maintained with the official.
You can see: Sullana: Police rescue two children under 14 and 17 years old from a bar
The operation participated in the attached prosecutors Miguel Saldarriaga Antón and Juan Alberto Zeña Neyra, who, together with the agents of the Dircocor, set up the operation, in that municipality, finding the municipal manager in his office, corroborating that he had contact with the money – S/ 2000 that the businessman previously delivered as an advance- because the reagent positive for fluorescent marks in his hands.
The Prosecutor’s Office and the Police investigate and carry out investigations to determine whether the money received and requested, allegedly, would be destined for the mayor of his district, Jorge Huanca Merino.
The provincial prosecutor Jack Trelles Burneo and his deputy Miguel Saldarriaga Antón and Juan Alberto Zeña Neyra carry out preliminary proceedings such as the declaration of the detainee; of other denounced and the complainant; cell phone reading; among other actions necessary to clarify the fact and determine the corresponding responsibilities.