PNP General Manuel Farías, head of the Piura Police Region, said they will install GPS to all patrolmen of the commissaries of the province, in the region Piurato control their location and what they do in their police work. He also referred to the complaints of the population that there would be patrolmen who take possession close to discos to intervene people who leave these premises to drive their vehicles in drunk.
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The officer indicated that they will seek to install that mechanism for vehicles in Sullana, as they have done in Piura, where each patrolman of the Urban and Radiopatrulla police station has GPS. “(In Piura) no patrolman is in a disco, because we have a monitoring center and we see the location and even listen to what the audio says inside,” he said.
He indicated that they will do the same in Sullana. “(…) I will talk again with the head of the Sullana police division to do the same (in Sullana). With entrepreneurs we have put GPS and I am seeing with the governor of Piura, to try to put GPS to all patrolmen and even also, communication radios, because it is the only way to control and tell the staff that these practices are already obsolete. In my management, they are not going to do it, ”said La Chief in Sullana in an interview.
In addition, he indicated that from today, the colonels will supervise the police stations. “If any situation of this type is detected, we will report and punish dramatically. I will make the Colonel Supervise, so I am providing that from tomorrow (today), all colonels in the region go out to supervise the police stations and do a control action. (…) We must teach the police that they have to do a good service and not use the population and that is the order that I have arranged in the Piura police region, ”said Farías.
At the same time, he said that they have changed to police officers from the police stations. “(…) We have made the rotation of Tambogrande, Sullana, City of the Fisherman (Paita) and we are making crossbow. Also from other units and we have given the signal very clear that, if in a police station they continue acts contrary to what is written and that if they know about a police officer of what he is doing and there is no action on the part of his companions, all They will make changed, ”said General Manuel Farías.