Philosophy workers declare themselves in favor of Approval: «The new text will replace an obsolete Constitution»

171 workers and professionals of philosophy in Chile declared their decision to vote Approve in the exit plebiscite scheduled for next September 4. “We believe that this is a relevant moment in which a democratic commitment and collective search for better conditions for life in common have been expressed.”

Philosophers and philosophers emphasize that “never before in Chile a constitutional text was drafted democratically, with the participation of groups historically excluded from power, respecting the agreed mechanisms and through open, transparent discussion, based on major agreements.” And although they do not believe that the New Constitution is going to solve all of Chile’s problems, they value “the shift from an economistic conception to a more comprehensive human being.”

They also value the work of the Constitutional Convention, which managed to draft “a plausible constitutional text” and whose value lies precisely in “the complex task of allowing the coexistence of an increasingly diverse citizenry.”

The workers and professionals of philosophy declare: “The new constitutional text will replace an obsolete Constitution that prevented plural political projects and that lacked legitimacy.”

Regarding the content of the text, they value the fact that Chile is declared a social and democratic State of rights and that “the private ones are not excluded, but rather higher standards are set for them and, along the same lines, it does not violate the right proprietary”.

“We believe that the text also responds to the long-unfulfilled demand for decentralization and that it institutionalizes the center-region dialogue,” they add.

Finally, they highlight “the commitment assumed with democracy as a system of government, which is also improved, since actions of direct democracy are added to representative democracy, such as plebiscites, referendums, etc.”

And they conclude: “Let us not forget, finally, the value given to fundamental rights, because that links this present with the critical moment in which a democratic solution was given to a political problem in which the citizens demanded dignity, equity and inclusion”.

Read the statement in full below:

Philosophers for Approval by The counter on Scribd

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