The readjustment of the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU) is a topic of great interest to pensioners in Chile. This benefit, delivered by the IPS (Social Security Institute), provides a monthly amount of up to $206,173 to all people over the age of 65 who meet certain requirements. It is important to note that this amount is not fixed, but is readjusted annually.
He readjustment of the amount of the PGU occurs on February 1 of each year, and is determined by the variation registered by the Consumer Price Index (IPC). In 2023, the amount of the PGU has already been readjusted, so those who are beneficiaries must wait until next year for a new adjustment.
The requirements to receive the PGU are being 65 years of age or older and not belonging to the richest 10% of the population. In addition, it is necessary to prove residence in the territory of the Republic of Chile, complying with certain continuous or discontinuous periods of time.
To request the PGU, can be done online on the website using the ClaveÚnica. You can also go on business days through video service at or, at the ChileAtiende branches of the IPS, in the municipalities or at the AFP or insurance company if the applicant is affiliated with one of these entities.
The Universal Guaranteed Pension is an important economic aid for the elderly in Chile, and its readjustment seeks to adapt the amount to fluctuations in the cost of living. It is essential that beneficiaries are informed about the requirements and the application process to access this benefit.