The Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU) is a benefit that seeks to improve the pensions of older adults in Chile, providing a monthly financial contribution. This aid, established in Law No. 21,419, was designed to support those who have reached retirement age and have limited income, regardless of whether they have contributed to the pension system. Starting in August 2025, new requirements have been implemented that will allow more people to access this benefit, with the aim of reinforcing the solidarity component in the pension system.
To access the PGU, one of the main requirements is to be 65 years old or older. This condition applies to all applicants, whether they are already retired or not. Furthermore, the maximum amount of this pension is $193,917, which will be received in full by those who have a base pension of less than $660,366.
Another key requirement to apply for the PGU It is not belonging to the richest 10% of the population aged 65 and over. This aspect is evaluated through a socioeconomic analysis that determines whether the applicant is part of a family group with higher income. The intention is to prioritize those older adults who really require financial support, and ensure that the benefit reaches those with fewer resources.
Proving residency in Chile is also an essential requirement to apply for the PGU. This implies that the applicant must have resided in the country for at least 20 years since the age of 20, which can be continuous or discontinuous. Alternatively, if the person has lived abroad for some time, they must demonstrate that they have resided in Chile for at least 4 of the last 5 years immediately preceding the application.
a quarter requirement is that the applicant’s calculated base pension is less than $1,048,200. This means that those who exceed this figure in pension income will not be able to access the PGU, since it is understood that their income is above the levels considered to grant the benefit.