The state hydrocarbons company Petroperucalled on the community authorities and leaders of the Cuninico organizations in the Loreto region, to resume dialogue to proceed with cleaning, environmental remediation and other operational activities in a climate of tranquility and social peace that guarantees the integrity of all citizens .
He said that within the framework of the coordination that the Executive entities have been developing with the community leaders and leaders of indigenous organizations of the native community of Cuninico, after the hydrocarbon spill caused by an intentional cut to the pipeline at kilometer 42+ 092 of the Norperuano Pipeline (ONP), it was agreed to hold a new meeting yesterday, Saturday November 19, in the city of Nauta.
However, due to the accident that occurred at the Jorge Chávez international airport, it was not possible for the high-level commission made up of officials from various State institutions to arrive in the area, proposing a new date to hold the dialogue between the parties.
“Given the refusal received from the leaders, who have announced that they will resume their measure of force with the blockade of the Marañón river, Petroperú calls for reflection on the communal authorities and the leaders of civil society organizations so that they lay down their attitude and resume dialogue with the Executive”, indicates the company.
Similarly, end the blockade of the Marañón River so that the company and its specialized personnel can restart the cleanup and remediation work on the Cuninico River.
As recalled, the State has declared an Environmental Emergency (DEA) in the geographical areas of Cuninico, Urarinas and Parinari through Ministerial Resolutions No. 187-2022-Minam and No. 225-2022-Minam, as well as the Plan Immediate and Short-Term Action for the attention of this.
The regulations contemplate the execution of actions from the various sectors, including cleaning and remediation activities carried out by Petroperú.
“Likewise, Petroperú has been delivering water and food to eleven communities that are considered affected by the oil spill, among which is the Cuninico native community itself.”
“Unfortunately, due to this forceful measure to block river traffic through the Marañón River, it will not be possible to continue with the scheduled deliveries, which affects the inhabitants of the native communities.”add.
Finally, Petroperú demands that the community authorities and the leaders of the organizations to resume the dialogue to proceed with the cleaning, environmental remediation and other operational activities in a climate of tranquility and social peace that guarantees the integrity of both the personnel and the population of the zone, in order to avoid a greater affectation to the communities and to the quality of the ecosystems.